unofficial blog for course ARCH243

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Katelyn 10/7 6 Elements of a Collage City

Nonconforming Edges:

The edges of each city, which have differing organizations and grid lines, won’t naturally fit together
This will cause jagged edges that don’t match/line up

Coincidental Connection of Paths

Occasionally, directional lines/paths (city streets) from different cities will line up and appear to connect
Further blends the individual city pieces and shows continuity

Abrupt End of Axis Lines

Depending on the organization of the city, there will be axes showing direction of movement
When one axis line is not continued through the piece of city next to it, the line will abruptly end

Creation of Negative Space

Cities with open space and parks/gardens become bordered by architectural objects from pieces of other cities
Negative space becomes an active component of the city
Increases diversity of types of spaces

Recognition of Distinct Monuments

Even though a distinct architectural element/monument may be rotated or removed from its original context, these are still easily recognized in a collage city
Creates a collage of pieces taken from different time periods/locations

Amalgamation of Architectural Objects

When collaging pieces of a city there will be overlapping
When two or more sections of a city come together, architectural elements from each will amalgamate
Enhances the appearance of the collage by making it seem more blended

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