(+ final case study diagrams)
Eisenman Reading Diagrams
For my diagrams based on the readings by Peter Eisenman, I was inspired by his concept of “transformations.” As he writes in “Cardboard Architecture” about House I, “transformations may be described by such formal actions as shear, compression, and rotation to produce a new level of formal information in any specific physical environment.” In my drawings, in the spirit of “cardboard architecture” I used the traditional form of a “house of cards” and transformed it in the various ways Eisenman described. Eisenman’s theory of cardboard architecture argues that buildings are just transformations of geometry. In a similar way to Eisenman’s diagrams of House II, I created a series of diagrams that became more and more complex and unrecognizable from the original form that I started out with. I showed how the different types of transformations can lead to different buildings by including columns, walls, and layering of planes. Similar to how Eisenman did in House II, I made sure that all “columns, walls, and volumes were treated as equally weighted in terms of disposition and number” and I chose the locations of these elements where intersections occurred in the layered line drawings.
Here is the link to my google drive folder with pdf versions, higher resolution images, and rhino files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vHG4tW5qAGsyPADQ7Sj1HznkO8_OAwzL?usp=sharing